In November 2010, the Ius
Commune Research School devoted the Liability and Insurance workshop on its
annual conference to ‘the Power of Punitive Damages’. In their search for better
ways to enforce private and public legal rules, prevent damage, and compensate
victims of grave wrongdoing, European legal scholars and policy makers show an
increased interest in this particular private law remedy. The twenty-two authors
of this book reflect on the pros and cons, applicability, aims and limitations
of punitive damages in terms of different legal themes. Some of the authors are,
because of their legal background, familiar with punitive damages, whereas
others are not. Likewise, some take an enthusiastic stance, whereas others
remain prudent. The result is a unique collection of thoughts, suggestions and
critical questions which takes the European punitive damages debate to the next
level. It improves perception of the private law sanction, which is often feared
by Europeans, and its common law background, but also gives new insights as
regards the question whether European societies are missing out by not adding
this powerful penal incentive to the already existing array of private law